Notice of Violations (Current)
NOV Number:
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Issue Date:
Expiration Date:
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Tanks |
Violation |
1, 2 |
Dispensers - hoses cracked, split or worn and require replacement - Long and Whip hoses need to be replaced. |
1, 2 |
Impressed current system failed test or appears non operational. Must repair. - Wiring cut during tank #3 abandonment and has not been repaired. |
Facility |
Missing copies of current testing certificates for operator training |
NOV Number:
(Referred to Legal)
Issue Date:
Expiration Date:
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Tanks |
Violation |
1, 2 |
Failed to Empty the Tank to 1" or Less |
3 |
Miscellaneous - Section 175.840 Abandonment-in-Place |
1, 2 |
Remove tank(s) - Corrosion Protection not Maintained |
1, 2 |
Submit Notification Form For Tank Status Change |
NOV Number:
(Referred to Legal)
Issue Date:
Expiration Date:
View NOV Form
Tanks |
Violation |
1, 2 |
Failed to Empty the Tank to 1" or Less |
3 |
Miscellaneous - Section 175.840 Abandonment-in-Place |
1, 2 |
Remove tank(s) - Single-Walled, Over 30 Years Old and OOS Over One Year |
1, 2 |
Submit Notification Form For Tank Status Change |
NOV Number:
Issue Date:
Expiration Date:
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Tanks |
Violation |
1, 2 |
Failed to Empty the Tank to 1" or Less - Per 175.810(a)(1), when placing tanks out of service, the tank and lines must be emptied immediately. The UST is considered empty when all materials have been removed to one inch or less. Upon my last reinspection on 1/11/24, I took a stick reading of each tank and they both had more than an inch of product. Tanks have been red tagged sinc 10/31/17. |
Facility |
Financial responsibility must be reported yearly - Per 41 Ill. Adm. Code 176.220, tank owners/operators must submit an electronic Financial Responsibility Report form on an annual basis. Financial Responsibility must be maintained until the tank is removed or properly abandoned in place by a licensed UST decommissiong contractor. The form can be found at: |
1, 2 |
Remove tank(s) - Single-Walled, Over 30 Years Old and OOS Over One Year - Single walled tanks were taken out of service on 10/31/17 and are currently 39 years old. Per 175.810(f), if a UST is not placed back into service within 5 years from the date of last use, the tank system shall be removed within 60 days after the conclusion the 5-year period. Here is a link to the licensed UST Decommissioning contractors, that can perform UST tank removals: |
Facility |
Submit Notification Form For Ownership Change - Per 41 Ill. Adm. Code 176.440 (g), a change of ownership information must be reported on an electronic Notification for Underground Storage Tank form, within 30 days of the change. According to the Cook County Clerkâs Recorder of Deeds Office, a Special Warranty Deed was filed on 6/14/24. The Notification Form is available at: |