Division of Petroleum & Chemical Safety

UST Search

Welcome to the Contractor Public Inquiry page. It is OSFM policy to make the fullest possible disclosure of information without unjustifiable expense or unnecessary delay to any requester. If additional information is required, please visit the FOIA Request page. Before making a request, please make sure the information you seek is not already available on the OSFM Web site.

Contractor Licensing Rules and Statute

Petroleum Equipment Contractor Licensing Rules - 41 ILL. Adm. Code Part 172

Petroleum Equipment Contractors Licensing Act - 430 ILCS 15

Instructions for UST Contractor Search

  • Enter all known search criteria in the fields above. The greater the number of criteria entered, the quicker the search results will be returned. The entries can be partial or full text. For example, you may enter "Smith" for the Name and "Sangamon" for the County to obtain a list of all contractors in Sangamon county with a name containing the word "Smith".
  • The wild card character "%" can be inserted in the middle of a search criterion. For example, enter "Smith%Tank" in the Name field to return all contractors with a name that has "Smith" followed by some characters and then "Tank". The wild card character already exists at the beginning and at the end of the text entered in all text search fields. For example, enter "spring" in the City field and select "Sangamon" in the County field to retrieve all facilities in Sangamon county with the letters "spring" contained within the facility city.


: This web site contains information derived from information supplied to the Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal (OSFM) from outside sources. This information is provided as a convenience to assist the public in knowing what information is in OSFM’s files. OSFM adds information to this web site as soon as possible after information is provided to OSFM. OSFM does not ensure that the web site will contain up-to-date information. OSFM does not and cannot guarantee or certify the accuracy of this information. The information at this web site is provided "as is" without representations or warranties of any kind, either express or implied. Each person obtaining information from this resource assumes full responsibility and all risks arising from the use of and reliance on the information contained on this web site. This information may not contain complete or current information on a specific contractor. The information may contain errors and omissions, including, but not limited to, technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. OSFM reserves the right to make additions, deletions or modifications to the information contained on this web site.