Division of Petroleum & Chemical Safety

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Facility Details

Facility Number: 6023960
Status: Active
Facility Name: Collinsville BP
Address: 9504 Collinsville Road
Collinsville, IL 62234
County: Madison
Property Parcel:
Facility Type: Attended Self-Service Station
Owner Type: Private
Green Tag Decal: Y000124
Green Tag Issue Date: 3/23/2023
Green Tag Expiration Date: 12/31/2025

Owner Details

Owner Name: Sri LakshmiBP Corporation
Owner Address: 1689 Camp Jackson Road
Cahokia, IL 62206
Owner Status: Current Owner
Purchase Date: 10/16/2014
Type of Financial Responsibility: Commercial Insurance
Financial Responsibility Reporting Due Date: 2/8/2025

Motor Fuel Dispensing Permits

MFD Permit Type Issue Date Expiration Date
Self Service 2/3/2021 12/31/2023

Owner Summary

Click for Facility/Tank Ownership history
Owner Number Owner Name Owner Status Purchase Date
U0039021 Sri LakshmiBP Corporation Current Owner 10/16/2014
U0032355 Buck's, Inc. Former Owner 12/7/2005
U0000578 Amoco Oil Company Former Owner 1/1/1986
U0023836 Amoco Oil Company Former Owner

Permits (Unexpired)

Click for permit history

No Active Permits Found

Notice of Violations (Current)

NOV Number: E0020250273 (Pending)    Issue Date: 2/4/2025    Expiration Date: 4/5/2025    View NOV Form

Tanks Violation
Facility Annual Emergency Stop Inspection not completed or inspection report not available. - Report not available at the time of visit. Obtain from testing contractor.
1, 2, 3 Document that emergency shut-off (shear valves) are in proper working order - Report not available at the time of visit.
Facility Facility Operation and Maintenance Plan not completed or available. - Report not available at the time of visit. Form can be found at https://sfm.illinois.gov/content/dam/soi/en/web/sfm/sfmdocuments/documents/oandmtemplate.pdf
Facility Missing copies of 30 day Walkthrough Inspection Report. - Report not available at the time of visit. Form can be found at https://sfm.illinois.gov/content/dam/soi/en/web/sfm/sfmdocuments/documents/30-day-walkthrough-inspection-report.pdf
Facility Missing copies of Annual Walkthrough Inspection Report. - Report not available at the time of visit. Obtain from testing contractor.
Facility Missing copies of current testing certificates for operator training - Report not available at the time of visit. If not current, training must be done. A providers list can be found at https://sfm.illinois.gov/content/dam/soi/en/web/sfm/sfmdocuments/documents/operatortrainingproviderlist.pdf
Facility Missing copy of emergency instructions or emergency procedures plan - Report not available at the time of visit. Form can be found at https://sfm.illinois.gov/content/dam/soi/en/web/sfm/sfmdocuments/documents/emergencyresponseprocedures.pdf
Facility Missing list of designated Class A/B & C Operators - Report not available at the time of visit. Form can be found at https://sfm.illinois.gov/content/dam/soi/en/web/sfm/sfmdocuments/documents/listofdesignatedoperators.pdf

NOV Number: E0020250274 (Pending)    Issue Date: 2/4/2025    Expiration Date: 4/5/2025    View NOV Form

Tanks Violation
Facility Attendant does not have means to remotely monitor or no emergency shutoff switch 20' to 50' from dispenser - Attendant does not have an unobstructed view of dispensers 1/2 and 5/6. Section 175.210 Attended Self-Service Motor Fuel Dispensing Facilities and Islands g) All dispensing units shall be readily visible from the control station without assistive devices. However, as an alternative, in the event that the attendant's view of a dispenser is permanently obstructed, or if a dispenser is located so that activity at the dispenser is not readily visible, closed-circuit cameras that provide a view of each side of the dispensing unit and project an image on a screen at least 6 inches in diagonal located at the control station may be used. The cameras shall be allowed to sweep to provide a view of multiple dispensing locations, but must provide a view on the screen of each dispensing unit at least every 30 seconds. In lieu of the closed-circuit camera, the facility may elect to have an emergency stop that shall be located at least 20 and not more than 50 feet from the dispenser that has a permanently obstructed view. Using an emergency stop in lieu of the closedcircuit camera pursuant to this subsection (g) must be approved in advance by OSFM. If a closed-circuit camera or viewing screen is inoperable and cannot provide surveillance of dispensing units to the attendant at the control station, and an emergency stop has not been approved by OSFM and provided in lieu of the camera as provided in this subsection (g), self-service dispensing of fuel at these dispensers is prohibited.
Facility Fire Extinguishers - Past due for annual testing

IEMA Numbers Associated with the Facility

No IEMA Numbers Found

LUST Fund Eligibility and Deductibility Determinations

No Applications Found

Pay Tank Fees Online

Tank Information

Tank Number Capacity Product Status Regulated Status Red Tag Issued Fee Due Abandon/Removal Date
1 12000 Gasoline - Regular Currently in use Federal $0.00
2 10000 Gasoline - Premium Currently in use Federal $0.00
3 10000 Gasoline - Mid-grade Currently in use Federal $0.00

Dispenser Information

Name\ID Status
1/2 Active
3/4 Active
5/6 Active
7/8 Active

MFD Motorfuel Dispensing Forms

No Forms Found