Division of Petroleum & Chemical Safety

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Facility Details

Facility Number: 6007174
Status: Closed
Facility Name: Former Clark Retail Enterprises #2068
Address: 1595 North 8th Street
Vandalia, IL 62740
County: Fayette
Property Parcel:
Facility Type: Attended Self-Service Station
Owner Type: Private
Green Tag Decal: E001553
Green Tag Issue Date: 6/2/2003
Green Tag Expiration Date: 12/31/2006

Owner Details

Owner Name: Illico Incorporated
Owner Address: P.O. Box 280
Lincoln, IL 62656
Owner Status: Current Owner / Operator
Purchase Date: 12/31/1967
Type of Financial Responsibility: Self-Insurance
Financial Responsibility Reporting Due Date: 4/16/2016

Motor Fuel Dispensing Permits

MFD Permit Type Issue Date Expiration Date
Self Service 10/14/2004 10/15/2005

Owner Summary

Click for Facility/Tank Ownership history
Owner Number Owner Name Owner Status Purchase Date
U0007457 Illico Incorporated Current Owner / Operator 12/31/1967
U0029789 Clark Retail Enterprises, Inc. Former Owner 11/22/1988
U0024983 Clark Refining & Marketing, Inc. Former Owner 1/1/1982
U0028787 Clark Retail Enterprises, Inc., Former Owner

Permits (Unexpired)

Click for permit history

No Active Permits Found

Notice of Violations (Current)

No Notice of Violations Found

IEMA Numbers Associated with the Facility

No IEMA Numbers Found

LUST Fund Eligibility and Deductibility Determinations

IEMA Number Status OSFM Received Date OSFM Response Date Deductible Letter
98-0560 Eligible 5/4/2001 6/15/2001 $10,000
Pay Tank Fees Online

Tank Information

Tank Number Capacity Product Status Regulated Status Red Tag Issued Fee Due Abandon/Removal Date
1 12000 Gasoline Removed Federal $0.00 03/13/1998 - REM
2 12000 Diesel Fuel Removed Federal $0.00 03/13/1998 - REM
3 4000 Gasoline Abandoned in place Federal $0.00 03/11/1998 - ABN
4 4000 Gasoline Abandoned in place Federal $0.00 03/11/1998 - ABN
5 4000 Gasoline Removed Federal $0.00 03/13/1998 - REM
6 10000 Gasoline Removed Federal $0.00 03/13/1998 - REM
7 8300 Kerosene Abandoned in place Federal $0.00 03/11/1998 - ABN
8 12000 Gasoline Removed Federal $0.00 01/28/2010 - REM
9 12000 Gasoline Removed Federal $0.00 01/28/2010 - REM
10 12000 Gasoline Removed Federal $0.00 01/28/2010 - REM
11 6000 Diesel Fuel Removed Federal $0.00 01/28/2010 - REM
12 4000 Racing Fuel Removed Federal $0.00 01/28/2010 - REM
13 12000 Gasoline Removed Exempt 08/14/2015 - REM
14 12000 Gasoline Removed Exempt 08/14/2015 - REM
15 12000 Gasoline Removed Exempt 08/14/2015 - REM
16 6000 Diesel Fuel Removed Exempt 08/14/2015 - REM
17 4000 Kerosene Removed Exempt 08/14/2015 - REM

Dispenser Information

Name\ID Status

MFD Motorfuel Dispensing Forms

No Forms Found