Notice of Violations (Current)
NOV Number:
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Tanks |
Violation |
Facility |
Attendant does not have means to remotely monitor or no emergency shutoff switch 20' to 50' from dispenser - Control station has an obstruceted view to the Truck Diesel without a functional monitor. |
Facility |
Farthest dispenser is greater than 40' and site lacks a communication system or system is inoperable - Truck Diesel dispensers do not have a communication system. |
NOV Number:
Issue Date:
Expiration Date:
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Tanks |
Violation |
Facility |
Missing copy of written UST facility operation & maintenance plan |
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 |
Spill prevention equipment contains liquid/debris and must be cleared of materials and maintained clean and dry. |