Facility |
Facility Operation and Maintenance Plan not completed or available. |
5, 6 |
Line leak detection equipment in alarm or failed test, must repair or replace. - ELLDs failed test. Tanks 5 and 6 red tagged due to no line leak detection. Note: Contractor was onsite to replace these when STSS was onsite. STSS informed by technician that Tank 5 ELLD could not be accessed. Tank 6 was replaced but no permit was filed at the time of inspection. |
5 |
Miscellaneous - Sump sensor failed test. Repair or replace. |
Facility |
Missing copies of 30 day Walkthrough Inspection Report. - No ATG printouts were available. Perform 2 correct 30 day inspections and print out the ATG report for SCALD and liquid status. |
Facility |
Missing copies of current testing certificates for operator training - Testing certificate for the AB is not available. |
Facility |
Missing list of designated Class A/B & C Operators |
5, 6, 7 |
Monthly line interstitial sensor records not available. |
5, 6, 7 |
Required monthly tank leak test records not available. |
7 |
Tank monitor does not appear to function properly and requires maintenance. - ATG is in alarm for tank 7. Repair or replace. Dates are not correct on ATG. Correct the date. Date is reported as 01/24/2036. |