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Failed to Empty the Tank to 1" or Less - Per 175.810(a)(1), when placing tanks out of service, the tank and lines must be emptied immediately. The UST is considered empty when all materials have been removed to one inch or less. Upon my last inspection dated 1/30/25, I took a stick reading of each tank and all three tanks had more than an inch of product. Tanks have been red tagged since 1/15/20. |
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Financial responsibility must be reported yearly - Per 176.220, tank owners/operators must submit an electronic Financial Responsibility Report form on an annual basis. Financial Responsibility must be maintained until the tanks are removed or properly abandoned in place by a licensed UST decommissiong contractor. The form can be found at: https://webapps.sfm.illinois.gov/USTPortal/Forms/FinancialResponsibility. |
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Remove tank(s) - Out of Service greater than 5 Years - Single walled tanks were taken out of service on 1/15/20 and are 28 years old. Per 175.810(f), if a UST is not placed back into service within 5 years from the date of last use, the tank system shall be removed within 60 days after the conclusion the 5-year period. Here is a link to the licensed UST Decommissioning contractors, that can perform UST tank removals: https://webapps.sfm.illinois.gov/ustsearch/ContractorSearch.aspx |
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Submit Notification Form For Tank Status Change - Per 175.810(a)(3), tanks taken out of service are required to notify the OSFM within 30 days of date of last use, on an electronic Notification for Underground Storage Tank form, declaring a tank status change. These tanks were last used on 1/15/20. Here is the link to the electronic Notification for Underground Storage Tank form, so that you can file that change: https://webapps.sfm.illinois.gov/USTPortal/NotificationForm |
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Tanks are condemned and must be properly decommissioned within 60 days. - Tanks were condemned as of 1/15/25. |