Notice of Violations (Current)
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Tanks |
Violation |
Facility |
Farthest dispenser is greater than 40' and site lacks a communication system or system is inoperable - 175.210 h)The attendant shall at all times be able to communicate with persons in the dispensing area. Repair or replace intercom. |
NOV Number:
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Tanks |
Violation |
Facility |
Miscellaneous - All emergency shut off switches need new signs.
175.210 d) 3) Equipped with an emergency stop at all control stations, which shall be
conspicuously marked and readily accessible to the attendant, whether or
not the control station is less than 20 feet from any dispenser or a security
booth is provided for the attendant. The emergency stop shall be located
in a position to allow all dispensing devices to be readily visible to the
attendant, or as approved by OSFM. Each emergency stop shall be
identified by a sign on all-weather materials stating "EMERGENCY
STOP" in 2 inch red capital letters. |
5 |
Miscellaneous - Tank 5 probe or sensor well needs lid replaced. It is cracked into pieces. A warning cone is on it now. |
1, 2, 4, 5 |
Spill prevention equipment contains liquid/debris and must be cleared of materials and maintained clean and dry. - Spill and vapor buckets need to be cleaned out.
175.405 a) 1) A) Spill containment equipment that will prevent release of product to
the environment when the transfer hose is detached from the fill
pipe (e.g., a spill catch basin). Spill containment equipment shall
be maintained in a dry, clean state. |