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Annual Emergency Stop Inspection not completed or inspection report not available. - All emergency shutoff switches shall be tested annually to verify they shut down all STPs and dispensers. Form can be found at https://sfm.illinois.gov to download and complete. |
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Annual leak detection certification not completed (Required annually). - Annual leak detection certification (interstitial sensorsandATG) not completed. Testing shall be completed and submitted to OSFM. |
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Annual leak detection certification not completed (Required annually). - Annual leak detection certification (leak detectors and interstitial sensors) not completed. Testing shall be completed and submitted to OSFM. |
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Annual leak detection certification not completed (Required annually). - Annual leak detection certification (interstitial sensorsandATG) not completed. Testing shall be completed and submitted to OSFM. |
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Annual leak detection certification not completed (Required annually). - Annual leak detection certification (leak detectors and interstitial sensors) not completed. Testing shall be completed and submitted to OSFM. |
Facility |
Financial responsibility must be reported yearly - Financial Responsibility form can be found at https://webapps.sfm.illinois.gov/USTPortal/Forms/FinancialResponsibility. |
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Line interstitial sensors have been raised and rendered inoperational. - Regular STP. |
Facility |
Miscellaneous - Each emergency stop shall be identified by an approved sign on all-weather materials stating "EMERGENCY STOP" in 2 inch red capital letters. Reference 175.210 d)3) |
Facility |
Missing copies of 30 day Walkthrough Inspection Report. - 30-day Walkthrough Inspection shall be completed, and documentation maintained on site. 30-Day Walkthrough Inspection form available at https://sfm.illinois.gov. |
Facility |
Missing copies of Annual Walkthrough Inspection Report. - Annual Walkthrough by a licensed contractor shall be conducted and documentation maintained on site. |
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Precision line test required. - Due to missing monthly tapes. (Liquid Status) |
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Precision tank test required. - Due to missing monthly Leak test records. (Liquid Status and not enough CSLD) |
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Required monthly tank interstitial sensor records not available. - Maintain one NORMAL report per TANK, per month, from ATG. (Liquid Status) |
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Required monthly tank leak test records not available. - Maintain one PASSING report per TANK, per month, from ATG. Reference 175.630 c)2)B) (CSLD) |
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Shear valve inspection report not completed (Required during Annual Walkthrough Inspection). - Provide documentation that annual testing of all shear valves has been conducted and passed. Go to https://sfm.illinois.gov to print out the Shear Valve inspection form. |
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Spill prevention equipment contains liquid/debris and must be cleared of materials and maintained clean and dry. |
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Triennial testing for qualifying piping containment sump not completed (Required every 3 years). - All STPS and UDC's. |