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A/B operator retraining required as a result of issuance of the Notice of Violation - Primary A / B certified operator shall be retrained as a result of NOV being issued. Go to www.sfm.illinois.gov (UST Operator Training) to find current information regarding Operator Training requirements, including all relevant forms. |
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Financial responsibility must be reported yearly - Financial Responsibility shall be declared annually; declaration form can be found at www.sfm.illinois.gov (in Search window, type UST Forms, Click Enter; click UST Applications and Forms; click on Financial Responsibility Report). Complete form online and submit electronically. |
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Install or replace lockable fill pipe caps. |
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Miscellaneous - Monthly line leak test records not available. |
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Missing copies of 30 day Walkthrough Inspection Report. - 30-day Walkthrough Inspection shall be completed, and documentation maintained on site. 30-Day Walkthrough Inspection form available at www.sfm.illinois.gov. The form must be filled out by an A/B Operator, you must, initial each box that applies, date the form each month to ensure it is being done every 30 days, and the A/B operator must print and sign their name at the bottom. If more than one A/B operator fills out the form, then each must print and sign name at the bottom. |
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Precision line test required. - Precision line test is required due to missing or failed monthly monitoring |
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Required monthly tank leak test records not available. |
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Spill prevention equipment contains liquid/debris and must be cleared of materials and maintained clean and dry. |
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Tank precision test required. - Precision tank test is required due to missing or failed monthly monitoring (Per 41 Ill Admin code 175.640(a)(4)) |