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Failed to Empty the Tank to 1" or Less - Regular has 45 inches of product, Diesel has 45 inches of product. |
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Remove tank(s) - Single-Walled, Over 30 Years Old and OOS Over One Year - Single walled tanks were taken out of service on 1/20/20, and are 32 years old. Per 175.810(e) tanks must be removed as they are now condemned. Here is a link to the licensed UST Decommissioning contractors, that can perform UST tank removals: https://webapps.sfm.illinois.gov/ustsearch/ContractorSearch.aspx |
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Submit Notification Form For Tank Status Change - The Notification Form is available at https://webapps.sfm.illinois.gov/USTPortal/NotificationForm. This form is required to be submitted within 30 days of a tank status change. (Last date used 1/20/2020) |