Notice of Violations (Current)
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Tanks |
Violation |
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Line leak detection equipment in alarm or failed test, must repair or replace. - Veeder Root shows WPLLD Shutdown alarm for (Veeder Root numbered PLD #2)
OSFM Tank #1 is Premium with MLD. OSFM Tank # 2 10K Regular has a WPLLD installed and tested by Protanic . OSFM Tank #3 12K Regular has a WPPLD installed and tested.
Either OSFM tank #2 10K is manifolded and has a check valve requiring changes to OSFM database and programming on Veeder Root to get rid of the PLD #2 alarm and Line Shutdown..
The WPLLD is not functioning correctly and needs a MLD installed and WPPLD programing removed for the Line. |
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Precision line test required. - If the regular tanks are not manifolded then OSFM tank #2 has not been monitored and will need to have line tested as no leak detection has been maintained on that set of lines. |