Division of Petroleum & Chemical Safety

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Facility Details

Facility Number: 2016497
Status: Active
Facility Name: Marathon
Address: 4713 W. Elm Street
McHenry, IL 60050
County: McHenry
Property Parcel: 09-27-331-020
Facility Type: Attended Self-Service Station
Owner Type: Private
Green Tag Decal: Y001669
Green Tag Issue Date: 3/23/2023
Green Tag Expiration Date: 12/31/2025

Owner Details

Owner Name: Rahyl Petroleum, LLC
Owner Address: 4713 W. Elm Street
McHenry, IL 60050
Owner Status: Current Owner
Purchase Date: 4/14/2021
Type of Financial Responsibility: Commercial Insurance
Financial Responsibility Reporting Due Date: 5/30/2025

Motor Fuel Dispensing Permits

MFD Permit Type Issue Date Expiration Date
Self Service 3/23/2023 12/31/2025

Owner Summary

Click for Facility/Tank Ownership history
Owner Number Owner Name Owner Status Purchase Date
U0040248 Rahyl Petroleum, LLC Current Owner 4/14/2021
U0038454 V4 Gasoline, Inc. Former Owner 11/23/2016
U0037337 Lehigh Gas Wholesale Services Former Owner 9/27/2016
U0035756 Rameen, Inc. Former Owner 12/31/2009
U0031496 Batul & Shayaan, Inc. Former Owner 8/20/2003
U0031486 The Premcor Refining Group, Inc.. Former Owner 10/24/1994
U0024983 Clark Refining & Marketing, Inc. Former Owner 10/24/1994
U0000651 B.A.P.A., LLC & PT, LLC Former Owner 12/31/1967
U0025164 BAPA, LLC & PT, LLC Former Owner
U0029789 Clark Retail Enterprises, Inc. Former Owner
U0028787 Clark Retail Enterprises, Inc., Former Owner

Permits (Unexpired)

Click for permit history

No Active Permits Found

Notice of Violations (Current)

NOV Number: E0020250617 (Pending)    Issue Date: 3/11/2025    Expiration Date: 5/10/2025    View NOV Form

Tanks Violation
Facility Attendant does not have means to remotely monitor or no emergency shutoff switch 20' to 50' from dispenser - Section 175.210g; All dispensing units shall be readily visible from the control station without assistive devices. If view is permanently obstructed, or the dispenser is located so that activity is not readily visible, closed-circuit cameras that provide a view of each side of the dispensing unit and project an image on a screen at least 6 inches in diagonal located at the control station may be used.
Facility Fire Extinguishers - 2 4A:60BC extinguishers not provided, 1 at or near control station and 1 in the dispensing areas - Provide min of 2 fire extinguishers (4A:60 BC rated), installed to provide access to both employees and customers.

NOV Number: E0020250618 (Pending)    Issue Date: 3/11/2025    Expiration Date: 5/10/2025    View NOV Form

Tanks Violation
Facility Annual Emergency Stop Inspection not completed or inspection report not available. - All emergency shutoff switches shall be tested annually to verify they shut down all STPs or dispensers. Perform test, complete form (form is available at www.sfm.illinois.gov) and maintain 2 years on site with other annual testing documentation.
Facility Missing copies of 30 day Walkthrough Inspection Report. - 30-day Walkthrough Inspection shall be completed, and 2 years of documentation maintained on site. 30-Day Walkthrough Inspection form available at www.sfm.illinois.gov. The form must be filled out by an A/B Operator, you must, initial each box that applies, date the form each month to ensure it is being done every 30 days, and the A/B operator must print and sign their name at the bottom. If more than one A/B operator fills out the form, then each must print and sign name at the bottom.
Facility Missing copies of Annual Walkthrough Inspection Report. - Annual Walkthrough by a licensed contractor shall be conducted and 2 years documentation maintained on site.
Facility Missing copies of current testing certificates for operator training - Copies of all current Class C testing certificates shall be maintained on file on site.
Facility Missing list of designated Class A/B & C Operators - LIST MUST BE MAINTAINED AND UPDATED. LAST UPDATE WAS IN 2023 WHEN DONE BY INSPECTOR.
6, 7, 8 Monthly line interstitial sensor records not available. - Maintain one NORMAL report per LINE, per month, from ATG. Must maintain 24 months’ worth.
6, 7, 8 Precision line test required.
6, 7, 8 Precision tank test required. - Precision tank test is required on tank(s) if you cannot provide 24 months’ worth of tank “PASS” from ATG.
6, 7, 8 Required monthly tank leak test records not available. - Maintain one NORMAL report per TANK, per month, from ATG. Must maintain 24 months’ worth.
6, 7, 8 Shear valve inspection report not completed (Required during Annual Walkthrough Inspection). - Provide documentation that annual testing of all shear valves has been conducted and passed. Must maintain 2 years of inspection reports.

IEMA Numbers Associated with the Facility

IEMA Number Inspection Date Inspection Type Permit Number
15-0372 4/7/2015 Removal Log 00215-2015REM

LUST Fund Eligibility and Deductibility Determinations

IEMA Number Status OSFM Received Date OSFM Response Date Deductible Letter
15-0372 Eligible 4/13/2015 5/19/2015 $5,000
94-2770 Eligible 7/9/2015 7/29/2015 $5,000
20150372 Eligible 1/29/2025 1/30/2025 $5,000 Letter
19942770 Eligible 1/30/2025 1/30/2025 $10,000 Letter
Pay Tank Fees Online

Tank Information

Tank Number Capacity Product Status Regulated Status Red Tag Issued Fee Due Abandon/Removal Date
1 6000 Gasoline Removed Federal $0.00 04/07/2015 - REM
2 4000 Gasoline Removed Federal $0.00 04/07/2015 - REM
3 4000 Diesel Fuel Removed Federal $0.00 04/07/2015 - REM
4 550 Kerosene Removed Federal 05/01/1989 - REM
5 10000 Gasoline Removed Federal $0.00 04/07/2015 - REM
6 12000 Gasoline - Regular Currently in use Federal $0.00
7 8000 Gasoline - Premium Currently in use Federal $0.00
8 4000 Diesel Fuel Currently in use Federal $0.00

Dispenser Information

Name\ID Status
1/2 Active
3/4 Active
5/6 Active
7/8 Active
9/10 Active

MFD Motorfuel Dispensing Forms

No Forms Found