Division of Petroleum & Chemical Safety

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Facility Details

Facility Number: 2013986
Status: Inactive
Facility Name: Borden Chemical Inc
Address: 1401 S Circle Ave
Forest Park, IL 60130
County: Cook
Property Parcel:
Facility Type: Industrial / Manufacturing
Owner Type: Private
Green Tag Decal:
Green Tag Issue Date:
Green Tag Expiration Date:

Owner Details

Owner Name: Borden Chemical Inc
Owner Address: 180 E Broad St
Columbus, OH 43215
Owner Status: Current Owner
Purchase Date:
Type of Financial Responsibility:
Financial Responsibility Reporting Due Date:

Motor Fuel Dispensing Permits

No MFD Permits Found

Owner Summary

Click for Facility/Tank Ownership history
Owner Number Owner Name Owner Status Purchase Date
U0000183 Borden Chemical Inc Current Owner

Permits (Unexpired)

Click for permit history

No Active Permits Found

Notice of Violations (Current)

No Notice of Violations Found

IEMA Numbers Associated with the Facility

IEMA Number Inspection Date Inspection Type Permit Number
02-1788 12/27/2002 Removal Log 02136-2002REM

LUST Fund Eligibility and Deductibility Determinations

No Applications Found

Pay Tank Fees Online

Tank Information

Tank Number Capacity Product Status Regulated Status Red Tag Issued Fee Due Abandon/Removal Date
16 3600 Hazardous Substance Abandoned in place Federal $0.00 07/07/1998 - ABN
20 6000 Hazardous Substance Abandoned in place Federal $0.00 12/28/1994 - ABN
21 6000 Non Regulated Abandoned in place Federal $0.00 12/28/1994 - ABN
40 12200 Hazardous Substance Abandoned in place Federal $0.00 07/07/1998 - ABN
41 12200 Hazardous Substance Abandoned in place Federal $0.00 07/07/1998 - ABN
42 12200 Non Regulated Abandoned in place Federal $0.00 07/07/1998 - ABN
43 12000 Hazardous Substance Abandoned in place Federal $0.00 08/31/1998 - ABN
44 12000 Hazardous Substance Abandoned in place Federal $0.00 07/07/1998 - ABN
45 12000 Empty Abandoned in place Federal $0.00 07/07/1998 - ABN
46 19000 Non Regulated Abandoned in place Federal $0.00 07/07/1998 - ABN
47 20000 Hazardous Substance Abandoned in place Federal $0.00 07/07/1998 - ABN
61 20000 Methylene Diphenyl Diisocyanate Abandoned in place Federal $0.00 08/07/2024 - ABN
62 20000 Methylene Diphenyl Diisocyanate Abandoned in place Federal $0.00 08/07/2024 - ABN
63 20000 Methylene Diphenyl Diisocyanate Abandoned in place Federal $0.00 08/15/2024 - ABN
64 20000 Hazardous Substance Abandoned in place Federal $0.00 08/08/2024 - ABN
65 20000 Naptha Abandoned in place Federal $0.00 08/15/2024 - ABN
66 12000 Naptha Abandoned in place Federal $0.00 08/05/2024 - ABN
67 12000 Hazardous Substance Abandoned in place Federal $0.00 08/05/2024 - ABN
68 12000 Kerosene Abandoned in place Federal $0.00 08/07/2024 - ABN
69 8000 Non Regulated Abandoned in place Non-Regulated $0.00 07/10/1998 - ABN
70 8000 Out of service Federal $0.00
71 1000 Hazardous Substance Removed Exempt 12/27/2002 - REM
72 1000 Hazardous Substance Removed Exempt 12/27/2002 - REM

Dispenser Information

Name\ID Status

MFD Motorfuel Dispensing Forms

No Forms Found