Notice of Violations (Current)
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Tanks |
Violation |
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Attendant does not have means to remotely monitor or no emergency shutoff switch 20' to 50' from dispenser - Section 175.210g; All dispensing units shall be readily visible from the control station without assistive devices. If view is permanently obstructed, or the dispenser is located so that activity is not readily visible, closed-circuit cameras that provide a view of each side of the dispensing unit and project an image on a screen at least 6 inches in diagonal located at the control station may be used. |
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Farthest dispenser is greater than 40' and site lacks a communication system or system is inoperable - Intercom system not functional; repair/replace as necessary to provide communication at dispensers. |
NOV Number:
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Tanks |
Violation |
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Line leak detection equipment in alarm or failed test, must repair or replace. - Periodic line test failure (0.2 gal/hr). Repair/replace as necessary to achieve passing test. Has been failing since 2/8/2025. |
Facility |
Missing copy of emergency instructions or emergency procedures plan - Emergency Procedures plan shall be maintained on site for viewing and reference as necessary (See Operator Training Rules 176.645). The emergency plan template is available on the OSFM website. |
Facility |
Missing copy of written UST facility operation & maintenance plan - Adopt and implement a written operations and maintenance plan, signed by both the owner and either a Class A or Class B Operator designated for the UST facility An Operations & Maintenance template is available at to download and complete O & M template and maintain completed form on site. |
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Tank monitor does not appear to function properly and requires maintenance. - ATG in alarm; repair/replace as necessary to secure alarm. |