Division of Petroleum & Chemical Safety

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Facility Details

Facility Number: 2005735
Status: Closed
Facility Name: Michael Reese Hospital Campus-Adm Svcs Bldg
Address: 2929 South Ellis Avenue
Chicago, IL 60616
County: Cook
Property Parcel: 00000000
Facility Type: City / Town
Owner Type: Municipal
Green Tag Decal: H001931
Green Tag Issue Date: 11/7/2007
Green Tag Expiration Date: 12/31/2009

Owner Details

Owner Name: City of Chicago Department of Housing and Economic Development
Owner Address: 121 N La Salle St
10th Fl
Chicago, IL 60602
Owner Status: Current Owner
Purchase Date: 6/30/2009
Type of Financial Responsibility: Self-Insurance
Financial Responsibility Reporting Due Date:

Motor Fuel Dispensing Permits

No MFD Permits Found

Owner Summary

Click for Facility/Tank Ownership history
Owner Number Owner Name Owner Status Purchase Date
U0028125 City of Chicago Department of Housing and Economic Development Current Owner 6/30/2009
U0010220 Doctors Community Healthcare Corporation Former Owner 3/1/1991

Permits (Unexpired)

Click for permit history

No Active Permits Found

Notice of Violations (Current)

No Notice of Violations Found

IEMA Numbers Associated with the Facility

No IEMA Numbers Found

LUST Fund Eligibility and Deductibility Determinations

IEMA Number Status OSFM Received Date OSFM Response Date Deductible Letter
91-1651 Eligible 7/26/1994 8/12/1994 $10,000
98-3092 Returned 6/28/1999 7/9/1999 $Not Selected
99-0177 Returned 6/28/1999 7/9/1999 $Not Selected
Pay Tank Fees Online

Tank Information

Tank Number Capacity Product Status Regulated Status Red Tag Issued Fee Due Abandon/Removal Date
2 550 Heating Oil Removed State $0.00 06/01/1992 - REM
3 2000 #2 Fuel Oil Removed Federal $0.00 03/10/2010 - REM
4 3000 #2 Fuel Oil Removed Federal $0.00 12/29/1998 - REM
5 2500 #2 Fuel Oil Removed Federal $0.00 12/23/1998 - REM
6 6000 #2 Fuel Oil Removed Federal $0.00 12/17/2009 - REM
7 550 #2 Fuel Oil Removed Federal $0.00 01/06/1999 - REM
8 3000 #2 Fuel Oil Removed Federal $0.00 12/16/1998 - REM
9 2000 Diesel Fuel Removed Federal $0.00 06/02/1993 - REM
10 550 Diesel Fuel Removed Federal $0.00 12/01/1987 - REM
11 1000 #2 Fuel Oil Removed Federal $0.00 12/21/2009 - REM
12 3000 Gasoline Removed Federal $0.00 06/02/1993 - REM
13 7500 Gasoline Removed Federal $0.00 06/02/1993 - REM
14 30000 Diesel Fuel Removed State $0.00 02/01/1992 - REM
15 30000 Diesel Fuel Removed State $0.00 12/15/2009 - REM
16 1000 Diesel Fuel Removed Federal $0.00 08/03/2022 - REM
17 2500 #2 Fuel Oil Removed Federal $0.00 03/30/2010 - REM
18 3000 #2 Fuel Oil Removed Federal $0.00 12/21/2009 - REM
19 550 #2 Fuel Oil Removed Federal $0.00 12/17/2009 - REM
20 2000 #2 Fuel Oil Removed Federal $0.00 03/10/2010 - REM
21 3000 #2 Fuel Oil Removed Federal $0.00 03/31/2010 - REM
22 250 Unknown Removed Exempt $0.00 11/28/2022 - REM
23 250 Unknown Removed Exempt $0.00 11/28/2022 - REM

Dispenser Information

Name\ID Status

MFD Motorfuel Dispensing Forms

No Forms Found