Division of Petroleum & Chemical Safety



Facility Number: 4009926
Facility Name: Clark on the Go
Address: 1010 N. Cunningham Road
Urbana, IL 61801
County: Champaign
Status: Closed

Owners for this Facility

Owner Number Owner Name Owner Status Purchase Date
U0033345 Jafri Enterprises, Inc. Current Owner
U0031625 SAM Enterprises of Urbana Former Owner 9/8/2003
U0003073 Clark Retail Enterprises, Inc. Former Owner 11/22/1988
U0029789 Clark Retail Enterprises, Inc. Former Owner
U0028787 Clark Retail Enterprises, Inc., Former Owner
U0031625 SAM Enterprises of Urbana Former Owner / Operator 9/8/2003

Owners for Tanks at this Facility

Owner Number Owner Name Tank Nbr Capacity Product Tank Status Owner Status Date
U0033345 Jafri Enterprises, Inc. 1 7500 Gasoline Removed Current Owner 4/17/2006
U0033345 Jafri Enterprises, Inc. 2 7500 Gasoline Removed Current Owner 4/17/2006
U0031625 SAM Enterprises of Urbana 1 7500 Gasoline Removed Prior Owner 10/21/2003
U0031625 SAM Enterprises of Urbana 2 7500 Gasoline Removed Prior Owner 10/21/2003
U0029789 Clark Retail Enterprises, Inc. 1 7500 Gasoline Removed Prior Owner 11/20/2000
U0029789 Clark Retail Enterprises, Inc. 2 7500 Gasoline Removed Prior Owner 11/20/2000
U0028787 Clark Retail Enterprises, Inc., 1 7500 Gasoline Removed Prior Owner 7/15/1999
U0028787 Clark Retail Enterprises, Inc., 2 7500 Gasoline Removed Prior Owner 7/15/1999
U0003073 Clark Retail Enterprises, Inc. 1 7500 Gasoline Removed Prior Owner 1/1/1998
U0003073 Clark Retail Enterprises, Inc. 2 7500 Gasoline Removed Prior Owner 1/1/1998