Division of Petroleum & Chemical Safety



Facility Number: 3007524
Facility Name: Kwik Shop #460
Address: 346 W Jackson
Macomb, IL 61455
County: McDonough
Status: Closed

Owners for this Facility

Owner Number Owner Name Owner Status Purchase Date
U0008697 Kwik Shop, Inc. Current Owner 12/4/1978
U0022393 The Southland Corporation Former Owner 12/31/1967

Owners for Tanks at this Facility

Owner Number Owner Name Tank Nbr Capacity Product Tank Status Owner Status Date
U0008697 Kwik Shop, Inc. 1 10000 Gasoline Removed Current Owner 1/1/1998
U0008697 Kwik Shop, Inc. 2 10000 Gasoline Removed Current Owner 1/1/1998
U0008697 Kwik Shop, Inc. 3 10000 Gasoline Removed Current Owner 1/1/1998